
Comments (97)

What do you think?

Quick Advice for everyone that plays this game.
If you mute the calls where Greg is the one speaking.

I will be inside your walls tonight, and you better pray for god to have mercy on your soul because I won't.

This is possibly one of the most unique FNaTI fangames I have ever seen. I am genuinely interested in it, and if it's possible, I could probably help with some ideas and maybe even voice acting. I sent you a friend request on GameJolt.

I have thoughts on this, I played it during a Fireside.

I'll try not to be rude, but the A.I on night 3 is god aweful, characters appear at the same time and I couldn't react in time. It felt like playing a Night 5 game,

The Camera hovering is so sensitive too, that I ended up using the TAB Button to access it. I even die a lot to the Flashlight characters, because the mechanics where you turn off the Power light, it even turns off the Flashlight.

And the Audio's are sometimes very unbalanced. Some art WAY too loud, some are pretty accurate.

I'm glad the game looks good, its a good Pixeled FNaTI Game, and I know this is a Beta or Demo, but its still unfair, and it has problems in a few ways.


I just played the demo and i already LOVE this game !

My favorite design is Julius, Oswald and Sadie.

Good luck and you should get more follower :)

° [Story]:

° | You are an agent of a team known as the S.S.A., your name is "Henry Miller" and as an investigator. You joined the team due to your lack of money and at the request of a team member, therefore, you decided to join. The reason why you are here is because Disney proposed you to investigate one of their abandoned parks, being the controversial "Mowgli's Palace". On the other hand, you will be in charge of guarding the place for 5 nights to obtain data from it and see what abominations you come across along the way.


° [What is Another Treasure Island Fangame / FNATI?]:

° | Another Treasure Island Fangame, or just ATIF, is a reimagining of the first version of the iconic Five Nights At Treasure Island, which has as main objective to improve and add content like new characters, new mechanics, and a different story. This fangame also isn't made with prerendered graphics like most of the other fangames, but rather made in Pixelart.


° [Credits]:

  • Five Nights at Treasure Island series Made by:

  • Abandoned by Disney Made by:

  • Creator of FNAF:
    Scott Cawthon

  • Creator of FNATI:

  • Mickey and Friends:
    The Disney Corporation


° [Additional credits]:

°| MarüDream: Creator, Director, Spriter, SFX Desing, Writing, Coding & Voice Acting.

°| VicThorDev: Suggettions, Voice Acting & Betatester.

°| Rexiliano2006: Suggetions, Contribution of ideas, Feedback & Betatester.

°| Lubaysix: Sugerencias, Voice Acting, Comments y Betatester.

°| Canine Lotus: Composer.

°| MrFrale: Suggestions, Comments, Contribution of ideas and Betatester.

°| MoonwalkDelta27: Suggestions, Comments, Contribution of ideas, Voice Acting and Betatester.

°| Gast: Suggestions and Comments.

°| Martinez: Suggestions, Comments, Contribution of ideas, Voice Acting and Betateser.

#horror #fangame #fnati #pixelart #retro #pointnclick  #survival #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

ESP: Quizás hoy o mañana se lance la versión demo del juego .

ENG: Maybe today or tomorrow the demo version of the game will be released .

PT BR: Talvez hoje ou amanhã a versão de demonstração do jogo seja lançada .

ESP: Cosas grandes se aproximan.

ENG: Great things are coming.

PT BR: Grandes coisas estão chegando.

ESP: No crean que eso fue todo. Hay más que explorar.

ENG: Don't think that was all. There's more to explore.

PT BR: Não pense que isso é tudo. Há muito mais a ser explorado.

ESP: Oh vaya, parece que alguien está feliz y el otro... bueno...

ENG: Oh boy, it looks like someone is happy and the other... well....

PT BR: Oh, parece que alguém está feliz e o outro... bem....

ESP: Preguntas y Respuestas. ( Abierto )

ENG: Questions and Answers. ( Open )

PT BR: Perguntas e respostas. ( Aberto )


ESP: Era lógico que no me quedaría de brazos cruzados y lo intentaria algún dia.

ENG: It was logical that I would not stand idly by and try it someday.

PT BR: Era lógico que eu não ficaria parado e tentaria fazer isso um dia.

ESP: Cada dia más, más pasos agigantados y mayor progreso .

ENG: Every day more, more leaps and bounds and more progress .

PT BR: A cada dia, mais e mais saltos e avanços, mais e mais progresso .

ESP: El miedo tenia razón, Los finales felices son una mentira.

ENG: The scary stuff is right, the happy endings are a lie.

PT BR: As coisas assustadoras estão certas, os finais felizes são uma mentira.

ESP: Muy bien, aqui vamos de nuevo.

ENG: Okay, here we go again.

PT BR: Muito bem, aqui vamos nós novamente.

ESP: Bien, tenemos que hablar.

ENG: Well, we need to talk.

PT BR: Bem, precisamos conversar.